Honni Cassel Honni Cassel

Scriptures on finding a job

When you need a job, or you are planning to get a new job….you need Holy Spirits counsel. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, it means our lives are not ours, they were bought with a price. We belong to Jesus. So any change in our lives should be bought before The LORD. What would he have us do? That is the question. It can feel like it’s about us….and it is….but let Jesus look after you….He will never hurt you. Trust that where you are, or what you need…is all in His plan. Let go of the worries and just claim His promises over your life. Start speaking these verses over your life and speak to The Lord. Make your plans with Him …not without Him, and He will fill your life with favour and lead you in paths of righteous that will fulfil the most exciting plan there is…..The Plan God has for your life. Go to Him with a plan that thinks of God and others ….not you and listen….listen to what The Holy Spirit is saying to you. He will be speaking. Jesus will look after you….when He gives the blessing of a job….it will come in gushing waves….and it will fill you up and overflow into your lap……and love will be key.

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Honni Cassel Honni Cassel

Overcomer scriptures

It all changed when Jesus took the victory over sin and death for us, by giving His life unto death, Jesus then rose from dead bringing us all forgiveness and eternal life. Now all we have to do, is receive what He died to give us ….and only believe! We can overcome in all things by pushing back on the enemies lies. Through Jesus name and with God’s Word, believing with all we are, that what God says, is the absolute Truth.

Thank you Jesus, for literally being our ‘personal saviour’.

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Honni Cassel Honni Cassel

Scriptures to overcome fear

Fear can sometimes try to overtake us….other times it can try to sneak up on us and over time we can develop fear over a certain area of our lives. Fear stops us using the faith God gave us. It happens when we believe Satan’s lies over God’s truth. These scriptures will set your heart right about fear. Meditate on them day and night and remember that God is a good, good God. Find out what He says about your life….and stand on that, and fear will flee.

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