Scriptures about financial freedom
Hello, lets talk about financial blessings shall we.
God is our Father and He wants us all blessed of Him. The problem is, that due to our beliefs we don’t receive His blessings….not because He doesn’t give them to us….no they are flowing abundantly for us always because of Jesus. It’s because out of our pride we just don’t believe He is there and that His blessings are for us. Once we understand who we are in Christ Jesus and start to believe….our Body, Mind and Spirit starts to ‘RECEIVE’ all God has for us. If you want financial blessing from God….get talking to Jesus and get into The Word of God….that way when it falls on you….and it does….you will actually catch it.
You will also start to see that operating in love, obedience to God and trust in Him is very important for many reasons. But one reason is that God does not want His blessings for you, stolen away. And through disobedience (sin), we give the enemy the right …yes just like a contact… steal our blessings from us. You don’t want that, and God most definitely does not want that….but God gave you a choice to live as He ordains, or to live the way Satan lives. The choice is yours. Abundant life is held within Jesus.
Hon x
Scriptures on raising children
Having raised two beautiful sons who love the Lord dearly and have now started families of their own….my husband and I are so very grateful for the grace of God, His salvation, and the constant guidance and support of the Holy Spirit. It is not easy bringing up children….it’s a tough world out there. But with God …and I do mean WITH GOD, everything is possible.
For many years I felt the burden of parenthood. I loved being a parent….but I took far too much on my own shoulders. I laboured away as Jesus stood beside me saying….”my child, how about we exchange. I’ll take your burden and you take mine…mine is light.”. What I didn’t realise was just how much Jesus would actually literally do for us, to give us all time to just focus on our relationship with Him.
You see if we want to be truly great parents, our relationship with Christ must be first and foremost. Jesus must be number one. And that means trusting Him to look after the most precious things you have….your children….His children.
Run, run to prayer when you need anything, when anything goes wrong, when you are joyful about your children, when you are angry, whatever it is…… to Jesus and claim His beautiful promises in His Word. Do this, and you will raise a family of joy filled children, that know and love their saviour, and will teach their children to do the same.
Thank you Jesus…..that through all the ups and downs…..your grace was and continues to be sufficient for our family.
Scriptures on managing stress
Sometimes it feels like a raging fire is catching up to us….like we are about to be consumed, and not in a good way. Like we are in a tale spin and this time we aren’t sure we are going to get out of it alive. We’ve extended ourselves just too far and we don’t have what it takes to fix the situation.
But… matter how impossible the situation or how depressing the feeling…..there is one who can change it for you immediately, and this is how…..
My friend there is another fire,,,,there is a Holy fire. One that consumes and burns up all the dross or the bad stuff lurking within us….and that fire is The Holy Spirit Fire sent from God above. This fire takes all the worries of this world and just melts them away….. and we, enter into God’s rest through Jesus, while He fixes everything.
How do we stay in The Holy Spirit Fire and walk stress free? Well there will always be trials….but there is one way to stay in the rest of God……so we know what to do next, so we can hear God. A way to abide in Christ, and trust Him to help us.
The bible says in John 5:7 that we must allow His Words to abide in us. So to meditate on them day and night is the key. You see Jesus knows what we need before we need it. All we must do is take care of our relationship with Him. Focus on Him in our heart. Focus on His words in our heart. Sit with Him in prayer, use His words, sing His praises. The consuming fire of stress will soon change to become a life giving fire of The Holy Spirit where the seeded word in our heart is ignited by our faith, and miracles begin to flow.
Read these scriptures and meditate on them day and night in your heart. When stress comes……roll one or two of these scriptures around in your heart….and love it…..Jesus has got you. Just let it go to Him. Don’t focus on the problem…..focus on your Jesus.
Hon x
Surrender has been a journey for me. It is a word we really have no concept of. We fight to stay in control. We have been lied to for so long that surrender equates to defeat. But that definition does not stand in Jesus. Surrender in Jesus is victory. To give Him everything, to trust Him with everything…..doesn’t come easy. Bit by bit we humble ourselves and surrender a task, a piece of us, a loved one…..and bit by bit we see that He is a faithful and the true God that does what He says. But our caution keeps us from more of Him. Trust is a hard thing …….but His grace is sufficient…..and just like the widow in the bible that surrender her last dime in the temple…..Jesus wasn’t concerned with the small amount, Jesus saw that it was all she had to offer at that time. It was her whole heart….as small an offering as it was….it was all she had. Surrender as much as you have, and you will see what Jesus will do with even that small surrender. Hon x
A Fulfilled life in Christ
The words of a beautiful song play out as write…….‘Draw me close to you, never let me go. I lay it all down again, to hear you say that you’re my friend….you are my desire, no one else will do. Cause nothing else can take your place, to feel the warmth of your embrace, help me find a way to bring me back to you. You’re all I want, you’re all I’ve ever needed, you’re all I want… me know you are near’.
You will see words just like this in the Psalms, as David also cries out in song and dance to His friend and saviour. Why? Because no one or nothing fulfils us like Christ. Why, over centuries and generations would people continually write words and speak out words about Jesus…..and their longing for Him. Because once you have experienced the living God and feel His love for you…..nothing else matters…..nothing else comes close, all you want is Him. Everything….and I really mean…more than everything…is found in our beautiful Jesus. Be fulfilled in Jesus……Hon x
Who is the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The bible says we will know the Holy Spirit by His fruits. When we think the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, we must test it by the personality of Christ, which is love, and by the personality of the Holy Spirit ie; His fruits. The bible says:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
We should also test if it is God or The Holy Spirit talking to us, by asking for confirmation in the Word of God…like back-up support to confirm.
For example if you know a person and all the time you’ve known them they haven’t lied to you, and then suddenly someone says they lied…..well you are going to be suspicious of this and want more evidence….because you know that person, and they have never lied to you. So to. we must get to know our God by reading His Word The Holy Bible, and ask God for further confirmation in God’s Word if what you are hearing does not line up with what you think God would say or ask of you.
Understanding the Holy Spirits personality is so important to understand if He is speaking to you. Jesus says; my sheep know my voice. I know my Jesus’ voice and my Holy Spirit, because I know who they are. I spend time abiding in God’s Word, and I know what He would or would not say. God is love for example….when I hear God speaking to my heart, I ask firstly…’is this thing He is asking me to do based on love for God and others’? Then I ask for confirmation through the word of God….which God always gives me. Without these confirmations it is not God… is either my own soul (mind, will or emotions) or it is the enemy trying to get me to act on something that will lead me in wrong paths.
Spend time getting to know who God is…..and you will know His voice.
Who I am in Christ Jesus
In order to believe, we must know what we are believing in. Who are we in Christ? Who does this God say we are? The fact is that when we truly start to seek to understand who He is, and who He says we are, we break the lies that bind us. We realise that we are not who we think we are. He is not who we think He is. He is powerful, but He is also merciful and loving….and He is our Father…and creator. To learn who we are in Christ brings the truth into our being. It brings confidence and the ability to trust that God is on our side. Our faith ignites within us, and we stand on the authority Jesus died and rose to life…to give us. It is so very important to understand who we are. Read these scriptures and act on them in faith and watch them ignite faith that moves mountains. Hon x
Releasing Gods Grace
Friend in the name of Jesus Christ I release God’s grace into your life. Crucified …….He thought of you. He knew, and knows…everything about you. Everything you even hide from yourself because it is too much of a burden to even think of. Those hurts , those sins, those thoughts, that pain…..He died so His perfect blood would be a sacrifice for your sin….that you might live…have life eternal. He then rose again defeating sin and death….God rose Him up, and friend, His mercy, His grace is sufficient for you……simply receive.
‘Like the rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall, and thought of you, above all’. (Above all Michael W Smith)
Humble yourself and receive all the grace He has for you.
Hon x
This is who you are in Christ
In Christ exists all things. Outside of Christ….Jesus actually says…we can do nothing. In Him though, all things are possible, in Him we live and breathe and have our being, in Him is every provision we will every need. To rest in Him, we must have faith in Him, commune with The Holy Spirit. Reading and acting on The Word of God takes us to heavenly places, and believing is activated in our hearts unto faith, in The One in whom all things exist. Know who you are IN HIM, and stay there. For if ye abide in Jesus, and His words abide in you, ask what you will, and it shall be done.. John 15:7 Blessings, Hon.
Who is God
Understanding who God is… you, for you and with you….is so important. We cannot have a relationship with a God we do not know and love and trust. To clearly understand the character of God and how he operates under the New Covenant of Love through Jesus Christ, shows us how awesome God is, but also how loving God is. The fear of God is only explained through us seeking to understand who He is. This fear is a reverent fear. A fear that drops us to our knees as His majesty is revealed….an awareness of His mercy and a gratefulness, that This, The One True God loves us.
Financial Blessings
God owns it all, and if we make God our source and nothing else, we float in the abundance of His love. Love God and love others and give without restriction knowing that this God, Your God, My God, will supply all our needs, according to His riches in glory.
Psalms of Praise
Like a flower’s perfume is released in the breeze, so to our praise is released to God through the wind of the Holy Spirit. It is a sweet, sweet smell in God’s nostril’s. Like incense it rises to heaven, and as it rises, we rise with it into heavenly places, caught up on the wings of The Holy Spirit., we are abandoned to this world….every burden simply melting away to Jesus. Come into His gates with thanksgiving in your heart, come into His courts with praise.
Whatever your problem, whatever your issue.
Whatever you are dealing with ….Jesus is interceding for you.
The Bible shows us that Jesus speaks to the Father on our behalf. Romans 8:34 says that Jesus “is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” In 1 John 2:1 we read that Jesus is our “advocate with the Father,” and from Hebrews 7:25 we learn that Jesus “always lives to intercede” for us
Hon x
Scriptures on loving one another
Loving one another is a command….but it comes after we are commanded to love God. To love, we must love God first…then God promises to add all these things unto us….including help from the Holy Spirit to love one another. You see God’s word actually tells us that we can’t do anything without Jesus….we even need His love to love others. These scriptures will help you love others as Jesus loves them.
Scriptures for overcoming grief.
Grief comes in many forms. The loss of a loved one is to most the hardest of all. However intense sorrow can hit us through many different avenues. Jesus promises to walk us through this sorrow and never leave us. These scriptures will help you to say ‘yes Jesus’…walk me through this time of need, and bring me into your everlasting joy.
Scriptures on parenting
Parenting cannot be done without Jesus. In fact, The Word of God says in John 15 that ‘we can do nothing without Him’…so why would we try parenting without Him? The Father gives us his most precious children to look after, to love and nurture, and teach, and protect. It is a big responsibility but the way it becomes a joy and blessing. is when we teach our children the scriptures, we sing praises and worship over them night and day, and we place everything we do for them, and with them, before God in prayer. When we realise that they are His and surrender them to His loving care, parenting becomes The Love of God made manifest. Holy Spirit will show you what to do….just ask Him and stay focused on Gods loving words in your bible. And always remember when the enemy hits with stress or illness or general life issues……run to Jesus. Fall on your knees and call out to The Lord….He will make a way where there seems to be no way. That’s what I do…..and God has always been faithful….always! Honni x
Scriptures on overcoming abandonment
Feeling abandoned or having someone close to you abandon you, can open the door to us not trusting the love of our heavenly Father. God loves us so much. People may fail us, but Jesus does not. He is faithful…always. We are completely safe in His loving arms. We just need to trust that. By speaking these Words of God over your life regularly, you are reaffirming your faith in God, and your understanding that God will never abandon you. He says ‘do not fear, I am with you always”. He will fill the gap in your heart, renew that aching soul, and He will lead you in His ways of pure Holy love and forgiveness.
Scriptures on success in business
Often our definitions of success, and God’s definitions, are vastly different. And often when we hear these words, we immediately think ….yes but His definition is not the kind of success I need right now…I need success in my business, my relationships, my work. But that kind of thinking is a lie. The Truth is that God’s word says in Ephesians 3:20, that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, and above all, you could ever ask, imagine, or think, according to His power at work in you. If you ever used the word wow, this may be the time for it. That scripture is just incredible. I have personally experienced the abundant overflow of God’s love, which includes success in this realm, and the heavenly realm. Don’t underestimate what God will do for you. Success is part of who God is….trust Him and His definitions… will not be sorry you did….lean in and do what He asks….because we need to be ready for the success He has planned for us. Preparation is a good thing, it enables us to maintain our success in God. So seek to be obedient and listen to The Holy Spirit, and study God’s word (His will) on the subject, and I pray when you see the favour of God on your life, it will lead you into love and thankfulness for a God that truly wants only the very best for you.