Shalom, my name is Honni, and I am the daughter of Yahweh, beloved of Yeshua, friend of the Holy Spirit, wife of John, mother of Jacob and Jonathan, mother-in-law of Kaylah and Karen, grandmother of Joshy and Gracie, daughter of Ron and Di, sister-in-law to Dan. We all live on or not far from our property in Samford Valley. Puppies a plenty, birds that sing, butterflies that follow, flowers, veggies, 12 chickies and brave little rooster called Freddie……weekends of big family get togethers. Sounds blessed…oh it is…so much.
It wasn’t always this way though, and if you get to know us, you’ll hear our testimony of how Jesus bought us all back together. We received God’s love and grace and mercy….and through Homestead Ministries we seek to share that with you.
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
Luke 3:21-22
Homestead Ministries Pty Ltd, is a Christian Organisation. We are not a formal charity organisation, however our services are offered under a Pay-What-You-Want business model. Donations are also gladly received. Our services are based around reconciliation. Reconciling with our beautiful God and with each other, relationship is key.
Homestead Ministries Pty Ltd
Samford Valley Healing Rooms - The rooms operate as an on-line prayer service, by volunteer family members and other members of the body of Christ.
Acts Australia - Our Coaching and mentor subscriptions. These are based on a pay-what-you-want business model.
Honni Cassel is the Director but Jesus is in charge. Jesus has led Honni and her family, on a journey of love where God has blessed them with His salvation, redemption, freedom, teaching, revelations, talents and gifts, and has anointed them to share all this with others, and spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their story covers many years of seeing Gods miraculous hand in their lives, experiencing to the fullest that the Truth, God’s Word…absolutely does set us free. They have learned that faith truly does please their beautiful God. The family seeks to walk by faith and not by sight in all they do, to please Him. God has led Honni in a ministry of faith & reconciliation to God and to others, supported by her family. Homestead Ministries services focus on three main points:
Connecting with God - Entering into relationship with God and receiving salvation through the blood of Jesus, repenting for our sins and seeking His forgiveness, and praying for deliverance from the chains that would bind us.
Growth - We then learn of the Lord through His Word, Holy Spirit revelations & trials He uses to perfect our faith.
Sharing - And in all we do…we follow the two most important commandments of God, to love God with our whole being and share the love Christ Jesus gave us, with each other.
WHAT we do
Through Christ and Holy Spirit’s grace we have years of experience, qualifications, skills and abilities in teaching, training, and coaching, in Human Development and Human Relations and Communications. We seek to connect you, share with you, and support you to grow, to build your capacity for an abundant life, and we seek to do this through acts of service and love. We coach, we train, we teach, we support, we encourage, we build up using the word of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit through mentorships, coaching and prayer that focus us on heavenly places.
Why do we do it
Because Jesus asked us to. And that alone is a good enough reason for us. But God is so gracious He allows us to share the love we have been given by Him ….with others. And what a joy that is. To be made part of the great commission… love one another as Christ loves us! It doesn’t get better than that.
So….allow us to love you and support your walk with The King of Kings! Yeshua the God of All.
Our Vision
To see people, connected in life giving relationships, to God, to their families and to their communities, all around the world. Set free to truly live the life Christ died and rose again, to give them.
To see people, share the love and joy they experience from these relationships, with others.
To see the power of this love, grow abundant filled lives in Jesus Christ.
Our Values
Serve our participants through acts founded on God’s love.
Generous and giving to all our participants.
Never to withhold kindness to anyone in need.
With Regard
Always have regard for the environment, situation or circumstance our participants find themselves in.
Always seek to act when it is in our power to do so.
Always seek to show mercy and compassion and build this in to all our programs, activities and conversations.
A Spirit of Excellence
Committed to a spirit of excellence: a culture of teamwork, collaboration, quality, inclusiveness, accountability, and honesty.