Overcomer Membership
Every month

This membership is set up to support you in your life giving walk with Jesus Christ. It focuses on busting lies, freeing you, imparting gifts, mentoring and teaching you how to live the the life Jesus died to give you. Generally supporting you to walk not in heaviness but in God's light and freedom and victory. It is a faith filled, and love filled membership and it will teach you how to OVERCOME in Jesus Christ.

✓ Texting access to a Christian mentor as needed
✓ One face-to-face hour, on-line or in person, monthly
✓ Content, teaching and Holy Spirit encouragement sent to you
✓ Additional - Access to book free prayer requests at anytime

Our Mentorship outcomes for you

You have access to a spiritual mentor

We link you up with a mentor you can contact right when you need one. So by text or call when you have questions about the bible or when you are having a bad day, you have a mentor who can coach you & support you. We will encourage you, teach you, and pray with you, until you are set free into the freedom Christ died to give you.

You will be built up

We teach you how to live in freedom and relationship with Christ Jesus through obedience to The Word of God. Not a religious obedience, but a loving intimacy with The Holy Spirit.

You will see personal growth

We share teachings and blogs and testimonies that highlight and glorifying the work of God in our lives, so you can be encouraged that you to can live the same life in Christ…..NOW! We teach you, coach you…and we don’t judge you….your trials and mistakes are going to be your best learning buddies…once you know how to use them.

You will feel free & lifted up

We share God’s love with you, loving you through on the days where love and answers just seem void in your life. That is a lie that we bust…..quickly by speaking God’s faithful promises to you, and praying with you over the phone, or sending you His word in loving texts that show you who you are and what you mean to Christ Jesus.

You will know and be confident in who you are!

We speak into your life

We declare the love and blessings and knowledge and wisdom of God into your life so you see the mighty hand of God in your life and those around you. You will see miracles!

You will want to share Jesus.

We encourage you to get out and share the word of God and His love, to all you meet. To share your blessings, and to trust in God as your complete source. And oh what blessings you will see not only in their lives, but yours also

But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.

Romans 8:37

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Romans 8:37

Access to a mentor when you need it

Quick problem solving by call or text

1:1 coaching sessions in person or on-line

Teaching through content support

Access to our 'walkshops'

And much more

Faith filled prayer over the phone or in person

Access to a mentor when you need it Quick problem solving by call or text 1:1 coaching sessions in person or on-line Teaching through content support Access to our 'walkshops' And much more Faith filled prayer over the phone or in person