Videos from the



I Worship, work and play at the homestead. I often share what the Holy Spirit is teaching me throughout my day. I share videos as I wonder around in the garden, work or paint in my studio, or sit and spend time in the bible. They are short and sharp videos, on the Word of God, and how it takes priority in all we do. Blessings.

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  • • 25/7/23

    Speak the Word and watch the devil flee.

    God spoke life into existence…..Genesis 1:26-7. Words….are powerful. Yes any words you speak have an outcome, good or bad…a blessing or a curse. But when you speak God’s Word demons flee, ….the way opens up, truth sets you free and life comes into existence. Learn how to believe in God’s word to the point that you direct it from your heart out of your mouth and see demons leave your life and the lives of others.

  • • 20/7/23

    It's the truth that sets you free!

    The bible says” It is the truth that sets us free, so if you are bound or struggling in an area, you may well be believing a lie from the enemy.

  • • 30/10/21

    How to love life and prosper.

    This is how to love life and to prosper.