Name * First Name Last Name Email * Prayer Request * Message * Checkbox * LEGAL LIABILITY RELEASE I (or anyone acting on my behalf), agree that by submitting this prayer request form I (or anyone acting on my behalf), am releasing Honni Cassel Ministries Pty Ltd trading as Acts Australia, and their volunteers or staff from any liability, for any harm or perceived harm resulting from any voluntary receiving of free prayer, this site or other. I understand that this is a free service and represents the broad body of Christ, reflecting many denominations. This is not provided as part of Acts Australia's professional coaching, training, counselling, or therapy and is not a medical service. It does not form part of the NDIS Provider provision. I (or anyone acting on my behalf) understand that if I am currently taking medication, or operating under the advice of a professional service, I (or anyone acting on my behalf) will allow them [my medical doctor, therapist, counsellor etc.] to confirm any results of prayer received before altering any prescribed course of action. If I (or anyone acting on my behalf) report a serious indictable offence at any time, The Director may disclose this to the relevant authorities. I agree not to disclose any person's name other than my own. I agree to respectful communication, and understand that I will not receive a formal response to this request, other than that of prayer as per my request. * By clicking this box I agree to above Legal Liability Release Form I agree Thank you, and may God richly bless you, in Jesus name.